Oh, Lawd: I’m the Rookie and the Vet:

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So what is Finesse Curves?… What’s my day job? What size do I wear? What is going on with my hair? These are a few frequently asked questions I have been getting from people these days. All legit questions, and I would like to address these FAQs with these facts:


What is Finesse Curves?

Finesse Curves is a lifestyle and fashion blog. Women of all sizes ALWAYS ask me where I shop – so I thought I would capture my style here, on FinesseCurves.com, as a reference. I want to point people to the site as a resource for good plus size finds and styling tips. I’m also here to promote a body-positive image, and show people that it is okay to try new things.

Do I have a job?

Absolutely. I have a 9 to 5 job at a technology and marketing solutions firm. Also, I am a freelance MUA, Sr. Project Manager at Aftermarket Beauty LLC.

I have always blogged, both professionally and for fun. I currently contribute to several beauty, entertainment and home improvement and design blogs.

Oh, I would love to dilly-dally all day, but the truth is, I would go nuts after 24 hours of that. Anybody who is close to me knows that I am actually a bit of a workaholic – and, I am sure that will never change.

What size do I wear?

Well, friends, I am in a tight 24 or 3X right now. Actually, I could go up a size or two in some styles – like bodycon, button-ups and jackets – and I can also go smaller in some of my skirts, pants and t-shirts. Really: It just depends on the garment and designer.

I am working to get back down to a size where I feel more healthy. Let me be honest here: I would like more clothing options again too! I feel a bit limited at the moment, but I am making the best of it; this is one of the reasons I wanted to start this blog. I will say that I am a BIG girl. So just know that if I can fit it, you most likely can too!

I am about 40 pounds down, and you can keep up with my journey on MyFitnessPal.

What is going on with my hair?

I have been natural for about the past 8 years, and I could never go back to relaxers.

However, I do love wigs. I view hair as an accessory, and I like to switch things up often. My hair is at that awkward length right now, so I am just trying to keep it healthy as it grows back out, and wigs help me through this process. Besides, wigs are so much fun, and I think every woman should own at least one.

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Well, that’s the tea…

If you didn’t know, now you know.

Now, let’s go from 0 to 100 – real quick!

(I know – I’m obnoxious!)

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2 Comments Add yours

  1. Such an awesome blog you have here and you’re absolutely gorgeous!!! Im a plus size chick myself so I know I will learn a lot from you. Thanks for the follow. Looking forward to your future posts.😊


    1. Absolutely – I found your blog via I’ve Got Cake. I like the WP community so far, and I look forward to reading your more from your blog!


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