Curve Watch a BoPo Movement

Curve Watch is a body positivity movement launched out of St. Louis, Missouri that’s meant to inspire and empower people everywhere. This movement is bout finding confidence, well-being and loving the skin you’re in. It’s about not limiting or withholding your happiness because you feel that your body makes you unworthy. Many people think body…

#CurveWatch2018: A Body-Positive Movement

Photo Credit: Tracy Jane Weidel Bold. Beautiful. Talented. These STL-based women are all of that, and more, and a part of the new Curve Watch movement. The Curve Watch campaign is all about #bodypositivity – and fashion, of course. Because in a world where over 91 percent of women are unhappy with their bodies, representation of…

HCB Crazy Sexy Curves

Last weekend, I had the honer of meeting the owner of Honey’s Child Boutique, Letitia McPherson Young, at her debut fashion show. It was a live, interactive lookbook for her 2017 swimwear and resort line on top of the Anew rooftop, which offered an amazing view of the Midtown area. The models slayed amazing summer looks…

Bahama BAEcation

Today, is Thursday. So I’m throwing it back to last week, when I was on the beach in the Bahamas with blogger boo, Ashley, and friends. It was a much needed getaway and so much fun was had. HUGE shout out to Rose Wholesale for making sure we were dressed for the occasion. This post…