Tech Tuesday: 6 Game-changing Instagram Hacks

Instagram engagement is higher than ever, but the new algorithms are making it more and more challenging for us to interact with the brands and people we love.

So how can we make Instagram content more visible, despite the algorithm changes?

Besides using hashtags, which let people of similar interests find us, there are a few tactics to make sure we can find the pages we’re looking for, and they can find us, too!

1. First of all, hide all those pesky sponsored posts that are clogging up your timeline, keeping you from seeing the pictures you actually want to see.

It’s simple: just use the drop down menu to take care of it.

2. Use this next hack to keep your page clear of unflattering photos in which you’ve been tagged.

Also, super simple: just select the options button to change your preferences from automatic to manual.

You can also hide anything that slipped through the cracks before you applied this fix.

Just go to the Tagged photos section of your Profile and select the photos you want to be hidden. Viola! 

3.Want to see more of the post you love?

Well, then you have to engage. That means you need to like and comment; this way, the algorithm knows what and who you like and it will surface those posts.

4. Have a favorite filter you like to use?

Me too – I personally only use Ludwig on 25 percent. So I went ahead and reordered my filters; this way, it’s the first one that pops up when I’m uploading a picture.

You can do the same, just go to the Manage Settings wheel at the end of the filter scroll. There’s an option to delete the ones you know you’ll never use, too!

5. Feel like being a little creepy and want to browse IG without accidentally liking any photos?

Just turn your phone on Airplane Mode, after loading the app (or it won’t work), and you’re good to go.

Oh- don’t forget to turn on notifications for content you don’t want to miss out on. But, I’m sure you already knew that.

6. Want to hide inappropriate comments from your page?

The latest feature allows you to enter keywords to keep the haters away. You can find this via the Settings gear.

These hacks have been game-changing for me, and I hope you can use a few of these tricks yourself.

Let me know if you have and other hacks or if you learned something new here today.


8 Comments Add yours

  1. These are great tips girl! I didn’t know you could hide comments like that!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awesome! You know what, I think that update just dropped this week! ❤


  2. Ashley says:

    Yep, I’m about be a whole creep now lol. I’m about that #CreepLife

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, these hacks will make you do it! #iaintsorry ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤


    1. BAM! Bloop! Rejoice!! LOL!! ❤


  3. FabBecky says:

    Hi there! Thanx for ur post! It will really help me! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely; I’m so happy to help!


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